Monday, March 26, 2007

wanderings of the quick mind

Its just another day in the mind wanders too far from the report and it cannot decipher the story behind these numbers. Well, i still havent figured out the next phase of my story and here people expect me to provide the interpretation to assist them in their decision making...isnt that too ironical?

This is how my mind latches on the peculiar human trait that we can remain clear/muddled at the same time and you know what is the best part, the fact that these multiple facets of our lives need not be close to understanding these centralization and decentralization terminologies, hah...yah, suddenly i sound borish to myself since once again i cannot figure what am trying to say here...just capturing the thoughts on mind.

I have always liked writing while i think and then look at it to understand if i made any sense...i actually do if not to others then atleast to myself. Do i want others to understand, you could probe but i would bluntly say "no"...these are exclusively to pave my way and if someone can generalize them, then i join those universal set of writers who kickstarts the bandwagon for other to join in the journey.

I still do not make mind is too quick to complete one thought process before it wants to jump into many...its as impatient as my character though i can put up a very tolerant and patient, where were we, yes, lack of interconnection with different reactions to our various facets...that proves it, now i make some sense:)

if i have confused you as much as i confuse myself...then its time to revive our friendship to greater levels because i am not sure i want to be around people who are more clearer than me:)...just another human trait.

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