Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Remain Positive

Life as they say can be viewed in two perspectives....positive or's as simple as that.We keep looking for assurance from various sources ranging - motivation from friends, success that feeds our ego or confidence, materialistic things, astrology or even spirituality.
When we remove all the layers of complexities that we add in our lives, we can see the basic need that drives us. The need to make us feel good about ourselves and our life...what we do not realize is that it can be done with simple change of mindset. Remaining positive.

The effect of pessimism or negative energy is its behavior like the spread of fire...quick and destructive. It does not take long to subscribe to it whereas there is significant investment required to remain positive. I am not talking about materialistic investment but in the form of patience and hope. Invest in time to change your perspective and belief to build hope...there is a strong saying that "hope is the last to die" and that by itself shows that nothing is better bet than investing in hope.

We need to remember that we are bigger than our problems...sorry if it sounds like egoistic statement but its the most humble approach to life. We need to value our life more than our problems so we cannot let problems defeat us. Initial or the most contributing step is to strongly believe that you can overcome the problems and rest will fall in place.

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