Thursday, May 26, 2011


Travelling in auto is pain but probably some of the best thoughts occur then, simply because you are not focusing on driving and can’t help but sit back to enjoy your thoughts. These thoughts are fed everyday by different scenarios or probably the same scenario that looks different every day. There seems to be some lessons to learn, attitudes to adjust, silly recollections to make you smile or other myriad emotions.

This is the reason why I don’t like to be on calls while travelling and prefer to watch the scenes unless it’s my mother’s call who thinks everything is frantic enough to be tenacious till you answer her calls. There are so many days that I have watched someone riding a cycle or lugging some goods or doing any kind of menial work and I think about the income disparity. I wonder why they have not been provided an opportunity to earn well and instead they struggle that way.

I am more inclined to think that way because I have seen the current generation being the first to complete their education in my village though they don’t struggle in similar manner. I like the development but it irritates me that not everyone has caught up with the growth. I was not being superior or judgmental but it used to hit me hard that life is not fair.

Then I realized that am comparing growth and development based on yardsticks defined in my world. Work is just means to an end irrespective of how much it pays and how low in strata you are. Their earnings are no less significant than mine and their lives are no less comfortable than mine. They fulfill their duties, have happy family and pave the way for next generation to enjoy the benefits they lacked. Their objective or destiny in life is as important as mine and what looks like a struggle in my vision might be blessing in theirs.

No kind of disparity will exist where you need to sympathize or empathize or look down if you basically learn to respect people and what they do. Physical form of work is probably healthier and less stressful than sitting at a desk in front of a system. Amount of money in the bank is definitely not a yardstick to define happiness or security if you lack the familial surrounding or peace of mind.

I felt the world tilt back to normal with another silly thought put to rest.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Remain Positive

Life as they say can be viewed in two perspectives....positive or's as simple as that.We keep looking for assurance from various sources ranging - motivation from friends, success that feeds our ego or confidence, materialistic things, astrology or even spirituality.
When we remove all the layers of complexities that we add in our lives, we can see the basic need that drives us. The need to make us feel good about ourselves and our life...what we do not realize is that it can be done with simple change of mindset. Remaining positive.

The effect of pessimism or negative energy is its behavior like the spread of fire...quick and destructive. It does not take long to subscribe to it whereas there is significant investment required to remain positive. I am not talking about materialistic investment but in the form of patience and hope. Invest in time to change your perspective and belief to build hope...there is a strong saying that "hope is the last to die" and that by itself shows that nothing is better bet than investing in hope.

We need to remember that we are bigger than our problems...sorry if it sounds like egoistic statement but its the most humble approach to life. We need to value our life more than our problems so we cannot let problems defeat us. Initial or the most contributing step is to strongly believe that you can overcome the problems and rest will fall in place.