Sunday, February 25, 2007

yet another musing...

Sleep seems a far away dream, in spite of the tiredness. I like the time spent while drifting off to sleep with the flow of thoughts and distant feelings aroused in me. Today is over, Tomorrow doesn’t matter.

For those few moments, I am different from what I normally am. There is no work, no family, no aspirations nor day dreams. It’s all about the silence of the night and most personal thoughts. I step out of my shell to act emotional about issues that touch a chord in me.

Today it’s about those elderly who we find begging on the streets of India. At every traffic signal, while we wait impatiently for the light to change to green, we find a multitude of beggars passing by us. They either act indolent or too pitiful. Its one among the many we come across so we don’t bother to react. We shoo them away and probably indulge in self pity about our stressed out life.

Then an old man or woman walks by with their muddled glasses, torn clothes and barely a stick to support. I have never been able to look away or think beyond the moment. The land which believes in treating elders with due respect is probably the biggest nation with unsupported elderly begging for alms on the road. I wonder…

I wonder if they are orphans by fate or by the nonchalance attributed to them by our generation in this rat race to survive in the so called ‘fast pace’ life.

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