Monday, February 26, 2007

So Special...

The resonating voice or the strong presence,
The enduring warmth or the familiar scent,
The unconditional love or the wise advice,
What do I say I miss in thee, my hero?

The sweet lullaby or the first memory,
The secured cocoon or the uplifting hand,
The only solace or the healing source,
How do I ever define thee, my idol?

For the wings to fly or the will to seek,
For the blind trust or the forgiving heart,
For the constant courage or undying support,
Where do I begin to thank thee, dearest dad?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

yet another musing...

Sleep seems a far away dream, in spite of the tiredness. I like the time spent while drifting off to sleep with the flow of thoughts and distant feelings aroused in me. Today is over, Tomorrow doesn’t matter.

For those few moments, I am different from what I normally am. There is no work, no family, no aspirations nor day dreams. It’s all about the silence of the night and most personal thoughts. I step out of my shell to act emotional about issues that touch a chord in me.

Today it’s about those elderly who we find begging on the streets of India. At every traffic signal, while we wait impatiently for the light to change to green, we find a multitude of beggars passing by us. They either act indolent or too pitiful. Its one among the many we come across so we don’t bother to react. We shoo them away and probably indulge in self pity about our stressed out life.

Then an old man or woman walks by with their muddled glasses, torn clothes and barely a stick to support. I have never been able to look away or think beyond the moment. The land which believes in treating elders with due respect is probably the biggest nation with unsupported elderly begging for alms on the road. I wonder…

I wonder if they are orphans by fate or by the nonchalance attributed to them by our generation in this rat race to survive in the so called ‘fast pace’ life.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Who does it for us?

I have stopped writing for a long time and trying to revive back the interest. The best deviations in life is reading or writing. We are caught up in some other situation or our mind is imagining something beyond the realm of our own problems. I know that running away from problems does not solve them but sometimes we need a break to start again with a fresh mind…ok, that’s a load of crap…we just need a break (no justification needed).

I try writing with set of expectations, “I got to be smart, witty, insightful, blah blah”…then I wonder whom am I trying to impress. I believe that highest expectations for us are set by ourselves. When others like our parents, teachers, managers, friends or anybody sets expectations which are not so close to our own ideals and we are unable to meet them, we tend to blame others. In reality, it’s just the vexation that we cannot even meet these mid level expectations and we might fail to match our perfection standard.

I keep telling myself to go with the flow of life and see where it takes me. Things don’t happen the way we perceive it to be because destiny or just life does have other interesting plans for us. Somewhere along the unknown journey, our most cherished dreams come true (well, slightly modified to the reality). So the sub/unconscious (hate taking direct blames…truly human ;) ) setting of standards got to take its cue and stop the process. I cannot expand my horizon of thought or broaden the meaning of life beyond “ME” if I do not unleash myself with no addendum to life.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Somber eyes filled with awe;
As the precious sight unveiled;
Shivering hands twitched to feel;
The rosy glow of the magnificence.

Laying amidst the stark whiteness;
Nimble fingers curled into a fist;
Eyes, so slumber, parted open;
Arousing the soul wrenching cry.

Strange emotions tore the empty soul
While teary smile creaked the face;
Silent prayers arose from her;
For the bestowed gift sent to solace.