Thursday, July 3, 2008

Comfort Factor...

Some habits are hard to break and more addictive than any...everyone has such a vice and mine is my constant need for the music...the streaming music, any genre. I enjoy all kind and I listen to some just to understand why it topped the charts...but invariably some appeal and that becomes your infatuation for next few days. It does not have to be the most recent ones either, sometimes i get infatuated with old songs too. Its so connected with my moods and thought process, maybe the phase of my life. As long as its appealing, even the language does not matter to me.

Those long moments when sleep seems eluding, short distances with the jarring traffic noises, never ending long journeys to reach a destination with rising impatience, lost in my work and not requiring any interference and most importantly, when i am alone with my thoughts...those are the times when the music has been my sole companion, soothing and exciting as required and rendering those moments easier to bear...its a fascination that would set the pace of my dreams, lifting the spirits up and clearing the muddles in my mind...crazy as it sounds, i tend to associate any song i play with my situation...there seems to be some connecting factor...i wonder what i would do if i was born in a place where music was banned or it never existed on earth...would surviving life be more harder than it seems now?

I have been able to write about other topics easily than i have struggled to put my thoughts down on my love for music...maybe words are not enough to express its contribution in my life...and the above said is meagre expression of its importance.

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