Monday, May 19, 2008

Altering Perceptions...

Does truth creep in those silent moments when we have nothing to think about…Does it strike you when you are laughing for a joke and realize it could have been you…Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do and then you sense no logic in the flow but its meant to be a learning??

Here is one such thing, I feel burdened with the expectations I have from myself and others…Every one of them laid by the society and none have true human values…why do we always lay conditions to make a friend or partner…aren’t these suppose to be heartfelt and we are suppose to look beyond the obvious. Life seems to be all about education, career and retirement… it seems everyone plans it that way for themselves and those surrounding them…does education need to be a criterion to be intelligent? Does background need to be criterion to show good values? Does presence of family need to be criterion for being stable?

I am not questioning anything here or raising objections against the functioning of society…unless we are part of it, how do we realize the values? I ideally would not want to make decisions based on these factors…I want to believe in goodness, generosity and positive aspect of humanity and not the materialistic aspect…sound like utopia to even mend myself in that manner…I have these thoughts but not the inclination to act upon it…my mind seems to be stereotyped and first thing it seeks is the criteria’s I am opposed to.

1 comment:

Gayatri said...

Now that was beautiful. I so agree with you on questioning pre-set rules and protocol.