Monday, November 17, 2008


What would it be? urge to break away from the routine of life is pushing the other thoughts away from my mind...the only components i need are awareness of what i want, courage to pursue it and strength to bear the consequences...i dont even know what i want but just the inner turmoil that am not living and just pulling along as days go by.

How complacent am i? this is not what i want to do and there is no sense of i wish i was artist lost in her paintings, author living in the magical world of her book or someone creative who would live for what they are doing and find the hardwork as enjoyable as the final product.

I wonder if am at the dither end of finding the right path or there is some more wrong paths in my days go by, destiny seems far far away.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I wanna...
  • eat pankcakes
  • ride a cycle on a sleek highway with no vehicles passing by except other cyclers and walkers.
  • watch an extremely funny movie in a theatre with popcorn
  • sit near a sparkling lake with just silence around
  • see a miracle such as snowfall in my village with the streets paved with white snows, villagers walking around in winter clothes, houses glistening with snow, pretty and cold landscape and me with a cup of coffee sitting in the porch and enjoying the view.
  • take an early morning walk in marina or eliots beach with light drizzle.
  • Sleep while mum and dad's voice is heard while they converse on any random topics with each other.
  • Night show in Prarthna theatre outdoor with Uncle and Aunt, Brother and Cousin (me and them...Trio) and the small to watch movies there with the family or the long drive to the village with uncle and aunt, we (trio) gossiping in the backseat about the music, roadside shop names and people's expressions, making faces at some vehicles.
  • spend a day with my brother and my the old days watching movies on star movies on every friday night by bringing our mats, blankets and pillows and dozing off in the hall after the movie gets over very late...comfort of their presence while watching a ghost movie so i can hold on to them during those ghastly scenes.
  • experience those moments when you babble with close friends and take off on non stop laughter riot:)
  • Long night talks till dawn with friends...
